
Flussonic Watcher 22.03

Вышла версия 22.03 продуктов Flussonic Watcher.

Доступно распознавание номеров автомобилей всех стран Евросоюза. Поддерживается детекция спецтранспорта: полиция, скорая, пожарная машина. Добавлена карта в мобильное приложение. Flussonic Agent теперь доступен для камер NAG на базе процессора Ingenic T31N и для ряда камер Dahua. Ознакомьтесь с полным списком исправлений ниже и обновите ваши серверы как можно скорее.

Что нового

  • #12582 (new) The map is added to the Watcher mobile app for both Android and iOS. The cameras with geographic coordinates specified in their settings are displayed on the map, and you can select the cameras on the map to watch live or archive video.
  • #16290 (new) Support of the Agent for a number of Dahua models is added.
  • #20868 (new) Support of the Agent for NAG cameras with Ingenic T31N processor was added.
  • #21288 (new) Support for EU license plates added to the ANPR module.
  • #21625 (new) The emergency vehicle detection is supported in Watcher ANPR module. You can get the event type using the API.
  • #22020 (new) Support of the Agent for NAG cameras with MSC313 chipset was added.
  • #21725 (improved) The interface forms for managing persons and person list were updated to improve the user experience.

Что исправлено

  • #7685 (fixed) Fixed problem of archive playback in iOS and Android mobile apps when the playback stopped at the last loaded segment although there were next segments available to be loaded.
  • #20830 (fixed) Fixed MP4 download for ANPR events in the license plates list.
  • #22164 (fixed) Fixed an error prevented a previously deleted person to be re-added.
  • #22251 (fixed) Fixed an error preventing you from saving camera settings in the “List” view.

Обновления в документации

  • #21736 (Watcher) Flussonic Agent reactivation process described within the Agent concept to explain how Agent handles the Watcher URL change.
  • #21896 (Watcher) The new feature of setting the polygonal recognition area for ANPR and face recognition is described.
  • #22045 (Watcher) The DVR player controls for managing camera are described including the stream info icon.
  • #22134 (Watcher) Watcher OpenAPI calls for [PTZ control] on the camera are described.
  • #22162 (Watcher) Introduction to Watcher OpenAPI and request authorization info [added] to help you navigate through the API.
  • #22163 (Watcher) Watcher OpenAPI calls for managing [camera parameters] are described.
  • #22182 (Watcher) The list of supported countries for ANPR is updated to clarify that all EU countries are supported.
  • #22183 (Watcher) The new improved and convenient forms for managing persons and lists of persons are described.
  • #22252 (Watcher) The instructions on updating Watcher are updated to clarify that all servers should be updated including streamers, and streamer update procedure described.

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