
Flussonic Watcher 21.03

Вышла версия 21.03 продуктов Flussonic Watcher.

UI для настроек DVR RAID, логи Flussonic IRIS и Flussonic Agent в UI, множественный выбор в списке камер, новая опция в настройках домена - Разрешить пробную версию.

Что нового

  • #15337 (new) (Watcher) Flussonic DVR RAID configuration UI is available on the streamer settings page.
  • #15447 (improved) (Watcher) Camera list: multiple selection with the Shift key pressed is now possible.
  • #15598 (new) (Watcher) Automatic camera status updates on the tile dashboard.
  • #15632 (new) (Watcher) You can view Flussonic IRIS and Flussonic Agent logs in the Agents section of the UI.
  • #14572 (improved) (VSAAS.IO) The new option Allow Trial in domain settings allows trial limits on cameras etc. for an organization.

Что исправлено

  • #14991 (fixed) (Analytics) Face detection was improved (the number of false positives of face detector was reduced).
  • #15359 (fixed) (VSAAS.IO) The application of new tariffs in Watcher was fixed.
  • #15397 (fixed) (Watcher) Watcher deletes all active user’s sessions when the user is being disabled,
  • #15414 (fixed) (Watcher) Floor plan image uploading was fixed.
  • #15541 (fixed) (Watcher) Validation of the size of a custom favicon image was fixed.
  • #15555 (fixed) (Watcher) Pagination of the Organization Users list was fixed.
  • #15574 (fixed) (Watcher) Checking permissions for HTTP API calls by using System API Key authentication was fixed.

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