
Flussonic Watcher 20.01

Здесь мы расскажем о версии Flussonic Watcher 20.01

Что нового

  • #6096 (new) [Watcher] Debug logs can be uploaded using Watcher UI. See top section of ‘Health’ page
  • #7094 (new) [Watcher] Added parameter for limiting user sessions. System-wise and per-user limits are available
  • #7637 (new) [Watcher] Managing ONVIF cameras: output stream settings, turning on motion detection, network settings of a camera, and changing the administrator password
  • #9983 (new) [Watcher] Camera can be rebooted using Watcher UI. Visit ‘Camera Settings’ section
  • #6988 (improved) [Watcher] The permissions of users for actions with mosaics were re-worked: mosaics are accessible within an organization, access to mosaics can be set in user settings.

Что исправлено

  • #9903 (fixed) [Watcher] Fixed appying of ‘Thumbnails’ checkbox
  • #10041 (fixed) [Watcher] It is now possible to open a camera from the Agents section
  • #10134 (fixed) [Watcher] Camera search results now show only those organizations and folders where the camera was added
  • #10216 (fixed) [Watcher] The map now shows all cameras with coordinates configured
  • #10230 (fixed) [Watcher] You can now add cameras to the map by clicking the place on the map where a cameras is located
  • #10246 (fixed) [Watcher] Searching the list of events from cameras now works
  • #10248 (fixed) [Watcher] Fixed empty folder deletion
  • #10254 (fixed) [Watcher] DVR player works if camera is offline
  • #10354 (fixed) [Watcher] Fixed memory leak in worker process

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Как сделать свое мобильное приложение для видеонаблюдения

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